(We’ve changed names and photographs to protect this person’s identity.) I moved recently into one of Equfund’s properties in Liverpool after spending time searching for suitable accommodation for my family. They knew our links to the city centre area and were keen to offer us a home closer to my roots.
I had to leave our previous home due to violence and move my family away from the area. We had a lengthy commute to the children’s school and to my work which was tough for all of us. The landlord wanted to sell this property and were putting pressure on us to move out sooner than we’d planned. Most concerning was that my ex-partner found where we lived and would turn up and threaten us. It was an awful situation. We hated being there. I knew we had to leave.
I was assigned a support worker and as soon as we were offered this house, she helped with my application and liaised with Equfund. My kids already go to school in the area so it was perfect for us.
There was no application fee to pay, which was a huge help as most landlords charge extortionate fees which meant there were many properties I simply couldn’t afford to apply for. Even though I was fleeing domestic violence, there was no help.
We couldn't be happier in our new home and have settled in well. It’s a close knit community and already feels like we’ve lived here for years. I absolutely love it and my kids couldn’t be happier.
I feel safe in this house knowing it has an alarm and the walls at the back are high so I know no-one could ever get in. The backyard area isn’t overlooked so I feel completely safe. Nothing needed doing when we moved in, I didn’t worry about decorating or new carpets, we just moved in. My children’s friends come to look at our new home and say how lovely it is. My youngest has her own bedroom which she loves. My son goes to Drama school and my daughter is starting lessons at a nearby pony sanctuary.
Because this area has good transport links, I can get a bus or train to work so can get rid of our car. That will save me about £300 every month. The big ball of anxiety that I had carried around with me has completely disappeared. I’m so happy. This house is perfect for us, we finally have a home.
The big ball of anxiety that I had carried around with me has completely disappeared. I’m so happy. This house is perfect for us and we finally have a home.